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Welcome Back Phrases In Japanese

Welcome Back Phrases in Japanese

Common Japanese Phrases to Welcome Someone Back

In Japanese, there are various ways to say "welcome back." These phrases are commonly used to greet someone returning from a trip, a break, or an extended absence.

Specific Phrases for Welcome Back

Some of the most common phrases for welcoming someone back include:

  • Tadaima (ただいま) - This translates to "I'm back" or "I'm home." It is often used when someone returns to their own home or place of residence.
  • Okaerinasai (おかえりなさい) - This means "welcome back." It is a more formal way of welcoming someone back and is often used by family members, friends, and colleagues.
  • Tadaima okaerinasai (ただいまおかえりなさい) - This combines both "tadaima" and "okaerinasai" and is a common way to welcome someone back home.
