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Australia News Today

Bird Flu Detected at Second Commercial Egg Farm in Sydney's Hawkesbury

Breaking News:

Bird flu has been detected at a second commercial egg farm in Sydney's Hawkesbury. The latest outbreak follows the confirmation of the virus at a nearby farm last week. Authorities are now working to contain the spread of the disease and protect the region's poultry industry.

Response and Investigation:

The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has imposed a quarantine on both infected farms and is conducting extensive biosecurity measures to prevent the virus from spreading. Poultry farmers in the Hawkesbury area are being urged to implement strict hygiene practices and remain vigilant for any signs of illness in their flocks.

Public Health Implications:

While bird flu is primarily a concern for poultry, it can occasionally pose a risk to humans. The DPI has advised residents to avoid contact with sick or dead birds and to practice good hygiene when handling poultry products. Consumers are advised to thoroughly cook all poultry before consumption.

Impact on the Poultry Industry:

The outbreak has raised concerns within the poultry industry, which is a significant economic contributor to the Hawkesbury region. The DPI is working closely with farmers to minimize the spread of the virus and support affected businesses. The industry is expected to face temporary disruptions, including restrictions on the movement of poultry and poultry products.
